Configuration & troubleshooting guide WiFi 2.4 GHz connection
IMPORTANT! Charge Amps Amp Guard produced before July 2021 i.e. serial number 2107******G (where "21" is the year, "07" is the month) cannot accept special characters in SSID and passwords such as åäö!.,#%& etc or spaces, only 0-9, A-Z, "-" and "_".
If there are special characters, create a guest network via the router without special characters.
How to connect your Charge Amps Amp Guard to a wireless network (WiFi):
Turn your Charge Amps Amp Guard off and on via the fuse (the device only broadcasts its WiFi for about 10 minutes).
Put the device you are configuring in airplane mode and forget/disconnect from available WiFi.
Search for available networks
Find the network AMPGUARD_NNNNNNNN, where NNNNNN is the last six digits of the serial number.
Connect to the AMPGUARD_NNNNNNN network and when it asks for a network key, enter the password found on the bottom of the Amp Guarden
When you are connected to AMPGUARD_NNNNNNNN you get the message that there is no internet available which is OK.
Open a new page in your browser and enter the IP address in the browser's address bar.
[Amp Guard 2109******G and newer]
You will get a configuration page where you see which WiFi is available for Amp Guard (2.4 GHz network only).
You should now see the SSID (network name of your WiFi and signal strength).
The signal strength should be at least -85 dBm or better (worse than -85 dBm is shown in red).
Enter the password for your wireless network and press Update
[Amp Guard 2109******G and older]
You will see a configuration page where you enter the SSID (network name) and password.
If you have a partner account (installer account), go there and see if Amp Guard is online.
If you do not succeed in getting your Charge Amps Amp Guard online, try again and after that follow the attached troubleshooting manual.